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 Yoga Class Timetable 




Byron Bay studio timetable here


Yoga Open

Yoga Open classes offer an energetic yoga flow with strong poses and creative sequencing, designed to challenge and inspire both physically and mentally. 

Classes vary in focus and pace, and from teacher to teacher, and we encouraged you to move within the boundaries of your experience level. We recommend Yoga Open classes to those with prior yoga experience. If you're new to vinyasa, please attend 4-6 Yoga Essentials classes before trying our Open classes.


Yin Yoga 

Yin offers long, meditative yoga holds that release stress and tension from the body, explore subtle energies and penetrate deep into the connective tissues of the body. The Yin Yoga asana will be followed by Yoga Nidra, a guided meditation technique designed to take you into a deep state of relaxation. 


Chill Flow 

Chill Flow classes carve flow through a voluptuous sequence that melts the body open with delicious hip openers and prepares the body for long, deep holds. Move from pose to counter pose, creating a full-spectrum experience for the body that will leave you feeling centered, whole and extremely relaxed. A yin and yang experience



Live Classes via ZOOM


Wednesday 5:30-6:30pm 

Gentle Vinyasa Flow

- Suitable for All Levels.

- Great for those who like to move slowly, gracefully & calmly.

- Move through variations of sun salutations at a slow pace, finishing with some static floor based postures.



Tuesday 5:30-6:30pm 

Restorative Surf Flow 

- Suitable for All Levels.

- Great for increasing flexibility, releasing muscle tension and reducing stress/anxiety.

- Move through variations of floor based static postures.


To join my live zoom yoga classes please email by 4pm on the day of class to book your spot and receive login information.




All Live classes are $15.00 per class. Payments can be made via paypal by clicking the link below.







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